Can A Virus Respond To Stimulus? - Ebook
As you say Viruses are not alive and thus do not respond to anything directly. Once a virus has infected a cell and taken over its synthetic machinery to make more virus then at that point that cell will still respond to external stimuli albeit not as well as a "normal" uninfected cell. read more.Do viruses live? [Electron Micrograph scan of a HIV virus infecting a cell]. Viruses are tiny particles made out of DNA and RNA. They infect cells and force them to produce more viruses. There is debate among scientists as to whether viruses are living or not.Plants can also respond to stimuli but the response is usually slower than that of animals. Detecting the stimulus. These rapid changes, called stimuli, provoke reactions in living organisms that are often very different from those expected from nonliving things..No, viruses do not respond to stimuli. This one reason, among others, why biologists generally do not consider viruses to be living organisms.The first wave of coronavirus stimulus relief checks was deposited into some Americans' bank accounts over the weekend, according to the IRS. Millions more can expect to receive theirs in the coming weeks.
Do viruses live?
However, It Is Organized With A Protein Coat That Surrounds Hereditary Material And Once Inside Another Living Cell The Virus Takes Over The Host's However, it is organized with a protein coat that surrounds hereditary material and once inside another living cell the virus takes over the host's...Viruses aren't able to respond to stimuli when outside of a host cell because outside host cells, viruses are dormant and sometimes even considered dead.GCSE Biology revision covering responses to stimuli, stimulus, detection, co-ordination, response, Receptors, specialised cells, electrical signals Plants can also respond to stimuli but the response is usually slower than that of animals. Detecting the stimulus. Receptors are specialised cells that...Viruses are not composed of cells, and are therefore non-living. They have no metabolism to provide energy so they can respond to stimuli. Viruses are unable to reproduce themselves, another indication that they are non-living. They are composed of either DNA or RNA contained within a...

what does respond to stimuli mean - Bing
Viruses. Practice: Virus structure and reproductive cycle questions.That would be because you were responding to internal stimuli. In the end, you end up w. Typically, in the mental health field, 'responding to internal stimuli' refers to someone who is delusional and is paying more attention to the voices in their head than being connected to external reality.Animals respond to stimuli by freezing in place, running away, or in the case of a change in environment, by exploring the new surroundings. Certain behaviors, such as mating or nesting, are responses to pheromone stimuli. Daylight stimulates diurnal animals to become active, while...Sensitivity: responding to stimuli. All living organisms must be able to detect changes in their environment and respond appropriately. Changes in the environment are called stimuli(singular: stimulus).In isolation, viruses and bacteriophages. show none of the expected signs of life. They do not respond to stimuli HIV is a retrovirus injecting the enzyme, reverse. transcriptase into the cell to copy viral RNA into DNA. Viruses are host specic a protein on the surface of the virus has a shape that...
How do viuses respond to stimuli?
I needless to say even supposing the "correct" solution is sure, there are lots of disputes over weather or not viruses live issues. Since that sure will have to had been in keeping with one thing, (I guess ALL the life processes) how do they respond to stimuli? Thank you
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